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3 Ways to Quiet the Voices in Your Head

“I can’t do this,” or “I don’t have enough experience”—we’ve all heard these whispers of self-doubt. Our minds are like protective shields, instinctively trying to keep us safe from uncomfortable or challenging situations. While this instinct is well-intentioned, it can sometimes hold us back from embracing new opportunities.

These nagging voices often show up when we’re stepping out of our comfort zones or chasing our dreams. They can undermine our sense of self-worth and make us question our abilities. As we get closer to our goals, these doubts can get louder, leaving us feeling anxious and stuck.

When faced with uncertainty, your brain might say things like, “Don’t do that,” “You’ll embarrass yourself,” or “You’re bound to fail.” Marcia Reynolds, an executive coach and behavioral psychologist, reminds us, “Your brain’s primary purpose is to protect you.” But how can you quiet these voices and move forward with confidence?

Here are three compassionate strategies to help:

  1. Embrace Positive Reinforcement
    Remind yourself of your strengths and past achievements. Tell yourself, “I’ve got this” and believe it. Try standing in front of a mirror each morning and affirming your capabilities. If negative thoughts start creeping in, challenge them. Ask yourself if they’re truly valid and look for evidence that proves otherwise. Recall moments when you felt unsure but still succeeded. For instance, if you’re eyeing a promotion and doubt creeps in, ask yourself what really makes those doubts true. Is it based on someone else’s opinion? Use your past successes to silence those doubts and boost your confidence.
  2. Talk It Out
    Share your concerns with someone you trust. Talking with a friend or mentor can provide perspective and support when those negative voices get loud. Sometimes just knowing someone is there to listen can ease your mind. Consider going for a walk or doing something fun like dancing or karaoke with friends to distract yourself from self-doubt and lift your spirits.
  3. Be Kind to Yourself
    We often judge ourselves more harshly than we would others. Negative thoughts can be a result of setting unrealistic expectations. When things don’t go as planned, we may blame ourselves and let negativity take over. Remember to treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you’d offer a friend. Speak to yourself with love and encouragement. You are worthy and deserving of self-compassion, even when doubts arise.

We all face those inner voices of doubt, but with these strategies, you can quiet them and keep moving towards your goals. Negative thoughts might come and go, but they don’t have to define or limit you. Embrace these tools and remind yourself that you are enough, just as you are.